Sunday, December 16, 2007

29 Week Antenatal Classes

Yesterday Dave and I headed down to Peel Health for our Antenatal class. As there were no vacancies until mid Febuary for the 4 week course, and Scrat might arrive before then, we decided to go with an all day course so as to be just that little bit extra prepared.
The course covered everything from available pain relief with pros and cons explained, caesarian and vaginal births along with massage techniques for when in labour. We also got a tour of the labour ward and got to try out "the gas".
We watched videos on both birthing techniques - and I must say we were both rather horrified at the ceasarian birth. In the video the Doctor pulls the babys' head out, and then fiddles around doing other medical type things before coming back to remove the whole baby. I was reminded of the scene from the movie 'Aliens' where the creatures come out of the womans belly...I think it was just that there was this little head sticking out and it was left there...looked rather strange. I actually looked away, but Dave as strong and keep a close eye on precedings.
Otherwise was a very informative day. Still not sure you can ever be fully prepared but know a bit more of what to expect which is great.
Otherwise our Scrat is growing nicely. Recently I have had increased lower and mid back pain and have been getting chiropractic and acupunture help for that - not entirely sure its doing a great deal - so will have my two appointments this week and see if there is any improvent. I have also been experiencing stiches in my side. And I get them when Im sitting down! Im told that you just have to ride them out - but I must admit they aren't all that fun. Any advise on how to get rid of them would be greatly appreciated!! We've also discovered that Scrat is not a fan of the heat..nor is bub a fan of lights - really loves it when the duvet is over and very dark - so lets hope this means we'll have a child that is not scared of the dark!
All in all everything is going along fine. Im still not much bigger, but do look pregnant which is great! Not long now people!!!! Hope all is well with all, more updates just after Christmas xox Shell and Dave (AKA Mummy and Daddy)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

27 Weeks and still kicking!!

Hi everyone, Scrat here....that's right I'm 27 weeks and 1 day old today! Mummys tummy is starting to get even bigger than in the pictures taken before and she's had to take her belly button ring out because it was stretching a little bit too tightly. Mummys belly button is even starting to pop the moment it looks a little bit like Aunty Kirstins'..nice and flat!!! I know it's a bit naughty but I have been kicking mum day and night, and at the moment I'm sitting quite low and against her spine. Daddy has had a word with me and I settle down after he talks to me....speaking of Daddy, Mummy has noticed that I will just have settled and stopped kicking her when Dad will arrive home and Ill get soooo very excited at hearing his voice that I simply have to kick and punch an head butt for joy!! I really do love the sound of my Daddy's voice! Hmm now what else has my Mummy and Daddy been up to? Well, last week we had our last appointment with the man who will deliver me..I think his name is Doctor Kell...he has been checking me out every 2 weeks to check that I am okay and that I am sitting in the right just right. Well, it seems that everything is going okay and Im not expected to make an appearance until at least 35 weeks. That's right folks I could be here as soon as 8 weeks away! I'll just have to wait and see how comfortable I am at the's awfully comfortable in here for me..but I am getting very excited about meeting my Mum, Dad, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents very soon. Until next time I hope you are all going exceptionally well. All my love Scraty xox PS Any more guesses on whether you think Im a boy baby or a girl baby?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

24 Weeks Old and Counting....

Well it's been a while coming but here I am. I've let mum off for a while but now it's time to finally show myself. Dad says mummy has doubled in size in the last few days. We'll just have to keep you updated to how mummy is looking...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 21

Yes folks that's right we have made it to week we're over the half way mark!!! Scrat has been a hive of activity in the past few weeks, with kicks and punches coming at all times of the day and night. Ive been having a bit of braxton hicks and have been graced with the flu to boot...Excitingly, Dave felt Scrat kick for the first time on Sunday afternoon which was great..actually it was several kicks and a yet I still don't have much of a stomach to speak you'll all have to hang on a little while longer for that. Tommorrow we have our appointment with our Obstetrician Dr Kell who will be organising our hospital visit, antenal classes and doing another quick check on my cervix. So will let you al know how that goes.
Otherwise all going well....down to being sick only once or twice a week now which is great.
Anyways thats about it from the Scrat files...stand by for updates :) X Shell

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Look at Me I'm 20 weeks Old!

Mummy, Daddy and Aunty Em came to see my first BIG film appearance. They could have found out if I'm a little boy or a little girl but decided to wait for the surprise...check it out and tell me whether you think an Oscar is headed my way....see you soon XOX Scraty