Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 21

Yes folks that's right we have made it to week 21...so we're over the half way mark!!! Scrat has been a hive of activity in the past few weeks, with kicks and punches coming at all times of the day and night. Ive been having a bit of braxton hicks and have been graced with the flu to boot...Excitingly, Dave felt Scrat kick for the first time on Sunday afternoon which was great..actually it was several kicks and a punch...as yet I still don't have much of a stomach to speak of..so you'll all have to hang on a little while longer for that. Tommorrow we have our appointment with our Obstetrician Dr Kell who will be organising our hospital visit, antenal classes and doing another quick check on my cervix. So will let you al know how that goes.
Otherwise all going well....down to being sick only once or twice a week now which is great.
Anyways thats about it from the Scrat files...stand by for updates :) X Shell

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Look at Me I'm 20 weeks Old!

Mummy, Daddy and Aunty Em came to see my first BIG film appearance. They could have found out if I'm a little boy or a little girl but decided to wait for the surprise...check it out and tell me whether you think an Oscar is headed my way....see you soon XOX Scraty