Sunday, April 13, 2008

7 weeks already!

Wow its' quite hard to believe but yes Zachary is already 7 weeks old. This week he will be having his 2 month old injections which should be fun and also has an appointment with a Chiropractor to pop his neck back in.
In the past couple of weeks he has been having some tummy problems. We have been to see a paediatrician to figure out whether the projectile vomiting and constipation are a result of reflux and an immature tummy or whether he is allergic to lactose.
So far we have have blood tests, ultra sounds (to see if was something more serious) and lots of poking and prodding. As a result of all these tests and in consultation with the Paediatrician, some medication was prescribed. As anyone who knows us will know, Dave and I aren't really big fans of medication - let alone giving meds to such a wee tacker as Zachary. So I went and chatted to our pharmacist Geraldine - who is keen on alternate medicines. She suggested we go see a chiropractor friend of hers', apparently sometimes during the birthing process the spine can be 'put out'. I wasn't real keen on the idea of a chiro to start with - mainly because when I think chiro I think cracking of bones and I didn't really want to put Zachary through that. In fact, there was no cracking of bones - in infants the chiro just very slowly moves a head or body part and usually the part that's 'out' puts itself back in.
So since having this done Zachary has slept much better than previously. We are getting 4 - 5 hours between night time feeds which is wonderful! Still doing 3 hourly feed during the day, which I don't mind at all.
So tomorrow we have another follow up appointment with the chiro (incidentally Zachary's neck and two places in his back were out) just to check whether everything is as it should be. We have still had a few big chucks but nothing nearly as bad.
Otherwise, Zachary is packing on the pounds! He is now 60cm and 5.11kg (11 pound 3 oz) or there abouts which is wonderful to see. I think he may end up being a good 6 ' 6!! Which will make for an excellent ruck man or perhaps a fullback / winger hahaha
Hmm lets see what else has the little man been up to...ahh a few weeks ago he was Baptised with his cousin Kai, photos below. Was a very proud day for Dave :) We had the service in the Munja chapel followed by afternoon tea at Jo and Noels' house, which was lovely. Zachary has Uncle Anton and Aunty Kirstin as his Godparents.
Zachary is also now talking alot more - really loves 'chatting' to Elmo on his activity gym, and gets quite annoyed when Elmo doesn't talk back to him - this usually results in a punch to the head (Elmo's) and some rather loud squeals. Lots of smiles as well...catching them on camera is difficult but beautiful Chester the cat smiles :)
I think that's about it for now, we cant believe how quickly our little man is growing...or that its' been 2 months already..Dave was walking unassisted by the time he was 8 months old..I'm hoping we have a little longer than that as our house is anything but childproof! Anyways folks hope all is well with everyone.
All our love Shell, Dave and Zachary