Saturday, February 23, 2008

Photo's of Zachary

Welcome to the world Zachary David Smith

Well what a 48 hours we've had.. David and Shelley are proud to announce the birth of Zachary David Smith, born at 4.15am on Friday 22nd February 2008, weighing 6lb 1oz (2746grams in the new measurement). Born 7 days early with 10 fingers and 10 toes, both mummy and bub are both doing fine...

It all started 12.30pm Thursday with Shelley's weekly checkup to our obstetrician where she was told she was 3cm dilated and the Braxton Hicks contractions she was having where actual contractions and she was officially in labour (and wasn't expected to make Saturday). By 11.00pm Thursday night we had Shelley in the bath trying to get comfortable, by 1.00am Friday morning we were headed to Peel Health Campus. On admission we were told Shelley was only 4cm and would probably give birth by mid morning. About 1.30am we were shown to the labour suite and introduced to our midwife Simone, Shelley then discussed the option of pain relief and the posibility of having an epidural. Simone was happy to oblige until after her own examination announced Shelley was 9-10cm and was in full labour and would she like to start pushing now... Well, we did manage to get a shot of Pethidene, call the Grandparents and let them know it was happening now and not in 8-10 hours like we were expecting and the rest is hisory. Zachary was born naturally at 4.15am.

It's late, we've had no sleep, so I'll leave you now with a few more photo's and will let Shelley fill the next with all the gory details...