Sunday, November 30, 2008

November Update

Shelley is playing my time, your time, so where to start..?

House - We've managed to settle into our new home and everything is nearly into it's own place. Zachary has even now got his own gate accross his activity room door as now he's off and racing (crawling only) you turn your back and he's gone. He is loving the fact he can crawl up to everything and climb up and bite it. I'm still to add a bit more lawn out the back for Zachary to play on, but that's going to be a Christmas job.

Ngala - Shelley and Zachary spent a week up in Perth at Ngala where they were to observe Zachary's sleep (tired signs) /eating patterns and try to determine why our little man isn't sleeping well at night. But after the week they told Shelley Zachary was the first baby in 20 years that they have never been able to figure out (I think it was because he had them all wrapped around his little finger)... It wasn't a total waste of time tho, as they both got to met some lovely people and make some friends. We also figured out Zachary loves the interaction between other kids and was the life of the party.

OUR LITTLE MAN... As you can see by the above photo's our little man is growing up rather fast, he now has 8 teeth and by the rosy checks and sniffy nose may have a few more on the way... The crawling has progressed rapidly and the standing is getting so much better. He is starting to grab hold of things and then let go and see how long he can stand before he falls or grabs back on. It only seems like yesterday that he was all bundled up and stayed where yo put him... Oh the good old days..
We have also started Zachary at Day Care on Wednesdays as Shelley s hoping to return to Uni next year and continue her English Degree. To keep a spot for next year we had to start him now. Poor Shelley, on the very first day of dropping him at Tiny Tots (day care centre) I received a phone call from one very upset mum who thought she was the worst mum in the world for not looking after her baby... Zachary got over it... He loves playing with other kids and is having a wonderful time (so his carers tell us). Mum I'm still not so sure of. I'm sure there will be more mummy tears as our little man grows up...
We have also discovered our boy is a bit of a water baby. We have swimming lessons every Thursday and he has taken to it like bees to honey, he swallows half the pool, but he loves it . He also had his first visit to the beach the other day and once placed on the sand he headed straight into the water, if we didn't stop him he would have just kept going, he had no fear, which means we will have to be on our guard at all times with our water baby...
Mummy and Daddy - Both me and Shelley are doing well. I've actually managed to take some time off work (even if it is only Tuesday's) and love coming home to spend time with Shelley and Zachary. I will give Shelley one thing, she is a fantastic mother the way she copes with one hyperactive child. He is go, go, go all the time and Shelley does a wonderful job keeping up.
Shelley is also enjoying the gym. At her last evaluation she has lost 8kg and 16cm from her waist which is a hell of an effort.
Well I hope this keeps everyone a little up to date with what we have been up to. With hristmas only weeks away we will endevour to keep you all informed as to how our Zachary's first Christmas went... Cioa for now, David...