Sunday, January 20, 2008

34 Weeks..and the countdown begins!

Well, as you can see by the above pictures mummy is still growing and giving me room to move (barely but just enough). I'm not ready to come out yet but will surprise everyone in the next 2 - 6 weeks. The nurserys' ready, the nappies are stacked and the countdown to B Day has begun. Yesterday Mummy and I enjoyed a wonderful day at my baby shower. We recieved many beautiful and thoughtful gifts from friends and family and played a few games to round the day off nicely. Aunty Emma organised the games and Aunty Jess prepared a lovely feast for all...with a little help from Nanna. Im still having fun shifting about in Mummys' tummy....and mum is still feeling rather tired. We look very much forward to hearing how everyone is going so please let us know when you have the time...

Friday, January 4, 2008

My First (unofficial) Christmas.... By Scrat!

Happy New Year to every one and may it be a great year for all (you'll get to meet me so it's bound to be great)...
Well what have I been up too? I'm now 31 weeks and 6 days old (only 57 days to go) and I've been causing mummy all sorts of aches and pains. Mummy and Daddy keep saying they will get their revenge at my 18th or 21st Birthday if I don't behave but I just love moving about and letting mummy know I'm here, tho it's hard not to tell I'm here, and I just love the sound of Daddy's voice and play up everytime he talks to me or Mummy...
We spent Christmas at home with Aunty Em and Aunty Jess and kept ourselves cool by swimming in our new pool and eating lots of different foods and then had Boxing Day with Daddy's family down at the beach. It was about 40 degrees and Mummy cooled us down by staying in the water for most of the day... After Boxing day we all headed down to Busselton for a holiday with Ma and Pa Smith, Uncle Anton and Aunty Bec, Uncle Paul and Aunty Zoe and my cousins Isabella, Cooper, Harry and Riley. Aunty Meg and Uncle Dean didn't come down as Aunty Megan was due to have another little cousin on the 30th December and felt it best to stay in Perth (my newest little cousin still hasn't arrived)... Daddy had a really relaxing time and enjoyed not being at work for 8 days and me and Mummy just enjoyed having Daddy around all the time. We went fishing, swimming at the beach, went to an animal farm and lots of sleeping. I had a great time!
Next week Nanna and Pa Nichols are coming home in a big plane from overseas and I can't wait to see them (well for them to see me anyway). Mummy can't wait as well and is getting all excited about their return... For Aunty Kirstin and Uncle Luke that are over seas I will post some more photo's shortly so that you can see what Mummy looks like now (yes she does actually finally look pregnant) we had our check up with Doctor Kell who says that I am growing very nicely and am now "head down" which Mummy and Daddy have figured out is why Mums' ribs are getting a beating. Mummy was excited because regardless of all the eating she did over Christmas she didn't put on any weight. Mummy and Daddy also got to listen to my heart beating, which they always like. From now I have fortnightly checks till I'm 36 weeks old and then every week after that....Well I have to go for nap now so will update you all later... Bye bye...